Are you missing out on
preneed commissions?
If you're using a trust to fund prearrangements, or not actively helping your clients prefund their funerals, you're missing out on an additional income stream for your funeral home. With Canopy Preneed, from Investors Heritage, you can cover all your clients and earn commission.
Never risk
With Canopy, your family’s principle is like money in the bank. They can never lose it, which means they risk nothing to ensure their final wishes are carried through to their specifications.
Tax-free options.
The life insurance products in the Canopy suite offer tax-free options for your families. For you, this means no tax surprises for your families or the estate, which will help eliminate future complaints and ensure that other family members will not think twice about bringing you their business when the time comes.
*Growth on annuities is taxable. If the Proposed Insured is the owner at issue, the 1099-R is issued to the deceased. -
Growth and commissions.
Our multiple growth tiers allow you to choose a growth rate of up to 3% on most policies and still earn a profitable commission that grows even higher if you opt for lower growth rates. Use our commissions vs. growth calculator to see our growth focused, balanced and commission focused tiers.
Annuity growth is less than 3%. Growth may vary by state.
Low, industry-leading
We’ve worked hard to ensure you can cover all of your families by making our premiums some of the lowest in the industry. We think everyone should have the opportunity to preplan and prefund their funerals, so affordability has always been at the top of our mind. Take a look for yourself to see how low we go on our premiums.