Low premiums.
Low premiums on multi-pay preneed plans mean more of your families can afford to fund their prearrangements with our best-in-class Canopy Preneed. Plus, our Single Premium plan adds an immediate bump to the value of the policy. Use our premium calculator to see how our premiums stack up to your current carrier.
Cover More Families.
With 5 products choices, Canopy Preneed has an option for all your clients regardless of age or health. And with affordable multi-pay premiums, there is an option to suit any budget. In fact, Canopy is the perfect tool to help your families fund their unfunded prearragements, meaning you can use your existing client list to provide new funding solutions in addition to funding new prearrangements.
Reduced Lapses
One problem with higher premiums is that people are more likely to need to stop making payments and let their policies lapse, leaving them with little or no coverage when they pass. This is not only bad for the family, but also bad for your business. Our lower premiums are more affordable, reducing the chance of lapsed policies.