Fund your unfunded prearrangements.
Canopy's Monthly Increasing Benefit (MIB) plan is an affordable solution for your prearranged, but unfunded clients. It’s designed specifically for those needing a smaller monthly payment, with payment periods from 1 year to 10 years. The premiums earn growth plus, you earn commission.
Download our Unfunded Case Study.
See how this funeral home used our MIB to solve its unfunded preneed problem.
Meet with a Preneed Ambassador.
Our knowledgeable and friendly preneed ambassadors are always on standby to answer your questions and to help set you up for preneed success.
The MIB works like a savings account – but has the benefits of life insurance. It can be irrevocably assigned for social services qualification and has a tax-free death benefit. The benefit grows and earns interest as payments are made. And since the MIB doesn’t lose value, your clients will never put in more than they get out.
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